Andrew’s scouting career has begun. His first meeting he received his scout book and the next day spent hours reading it. He is excited about earning all 137 badges. I believe this might be a positive-type of educational OCD and hoarding because each badge is a lot of work. He caught me off guard one afternoon when he asked, “So, Mom, how am I going to learn to bugle?” Eyeeee dunno. That was a great question. Who knows, maybe one day he’ll be standing on a hill bugling to awaken a field of sleeping scouts. We’ll make sure the family cat has some ear plugs.

Scouting Requirements
As Andrew completes scouting requirements, he meets with the scoutmaster to prove his proficiency or demonstrate a skill. For scouting rank, I created a communication lapbook. Andrew has never memorized long paragraphs or even songs. Regurgitating information and communications can sometimes be confusing and difficult. His lapbook can be used to review information as well as organize his communication process. He can show, as well as verbalized what he has learned.

Skill Proficiency vs Experience
We will continually work on repeating the scout oath. For now, reading will have to be sufficient. After seven years of practice, we are still working on memorizing the Pledge of Allegiance so I figure by the end of Andrew’s scouting career he will know the oath. In his immediate future, knot tying is going to prove to be challenging as well as knife safety demonstrations. Lack of fine motor skills adds extra challenges that other scouts don’t have to contend with. Some skills will be an on-going experience because mastery may or may not occur. The scouting experience is about what a scout can do. Thus far, I love the encouragement Andrew has received.

Andrew’s scouting career has begun. I do believe that this will be one adventurous trek!
Our post: A Scouting Opportunity Recognized describes how I prepared the troop for Andrew’s arrival. To assure success, sometimes it pays to pave the way first!
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